Tom Brughmans



Tom Brughmans is an associate professor at the Centre for Urban Network Evolutions (UrbNet) and Classical Archaeology at Aarhus University. His research interests include the study of Roman economic and urban phenomena, past social networks, and visual signaling systems. He performs much of his work by applying computational methods such as network science, agent-based simulation and geographical information systems. His project MINERVA aims to develop a highly detailed network model of the Roman road system, and perform simulation experiments to explore the centuries-long distribution patterns revealed by Roman tableware and amphora data. He directs the Past Social Networks Project, which aims to develop infrastructure and guidelines to make studies of past social networks replicable and comparable. His research projects MERCURY and SIMREC developed educational resources and case studies to make simulation studies of the Roman economy more common. Tom’s research blog houses resources for archaeological network research.

Matthew A. Peeples



Matt Peeples is an associate professor of anthropology (archaeology) in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and director of the ASU Center for Archaeology and Society. His research is focused on integrating archaeological data with methods and models from the broader social sciences to address questions revolving around the nature of human social networks over the long-term. This work involves the development of large-scale archaeological databases, fieldwork in the US Southwest, as well as the application of a variety of computational methods to archaeological data. He is Co-PI of the cyberSW project, which is focused on synthesizing archaeological data from the US Southwest and Mexican Northwest and providing easy to use tools to visualize and analyze them. The goals of this project include engaging with social science researchers beyond archaeology who are interested in tracking demographic and network processes over the long-term. Matt is also a proponent of open data and methods and archives data and code related to is research using both the Digital Archaeological Record (tDAR) and GitHub. His personal website provide up to date information on publications, research project, and teaching tutorials.